The tale is set in an alternative late Edo duration. Humankind is attacked by invaders called "Amanto" (天人?, "Sky Individuals"). The samurai of Japan join the fight against the invaders, yet when the Shogun understands the power of aliens, he betrays the samurai and also surrenders to the aliens. The Shogun composes an unequal contract with invaders which allows the aliens to go into the country and also places a ban on bring swords in public. The swords of samurai are removed so they can not withstand the aliens. Afterwards the Shogunate ends up being a puppet government.
The plot is focused on an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata (also known as Odd Jobs Gin) that assists a teen called Shinpachi Shimura save his sibling Tae from a team of aliens that want to make her component of a brothel. Impressed with Gintoki, Shinpachi becomes his pupil and deals with him as a self-employed odd-jobs man in order to pay the month-to-month rent on Gintoki's combo home as well as office, as well as to recognize even more concerning him.
The two of them save a teen alien woman called Kagura from a group of Yakuza that wished to utilize her superhuman strength to kill individuals. Kagura signs up with Shinpachi and also Gintoki to work as consultants and also the 3 ended up being known as "Yorozuya" (万事屋?, "We do everything" or essentially "The Anything Shop").
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